New Directions

"For the discriminating Art Collector: Glass top tables with unique, individualized pedestal stands.  One of a kind creations by the internationally known fine arts artist, Mary Alice Braukman, of St Petersburg, Florida and Pisgah Forest, North Carolina.

Each glass top table is designed with its own spectacular base, created to enhance a free- flowing experience of unusual color formations.  No brushwork is involved; rather an almost lava like flow of colors as they explode in movement and cascade into a freeform rhythm, complimenting each individual table pedestal.

Braukman combines her many years of creating new frontiers in the art world with this innovative approach of "pouring" Golden Fluid Acrylics.

The collector will welcome this exciting addition into their contemporary world of art. Individually or in groups of two or three, New Directions Pedestals will create visual excitement in any gathering place or home."

Taylor Ikin, FWS
Taylor Ikin, Artist


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